BNP Paribas Wealth Management in Taiwan has successfully implemented the OLYMPIC Banking System

BNP Paribas Wealth Management in Taiwan has successfully implemented the OLYMPIC Banking System
OLYMPIC Banking System (ERI) (© OLYMPIC)

Geneva – ERI is pleased to announce that BNP Paribas Wealth Management in Taiwan have successfully implemented the OLYMPIC Banking System for managing their Business. As such the Taiwan-based operations join those using OLYMPIC Banking System in Singapore, Hong Kong among a number of other locations.

Commenting on the go-live of the OLYMPIC Banking System Christian Blanc, Chief Information Officer at BNP Paribas Wealth Management, said: “We are very proud of the involvement of all the IT, business and operations areas of the organisation in ensuring that the go-live of the application has been a success and is able to immediately bring real benefits to the business. We look forward to taking advantage of the synergies that using the same application in the Wealth Management Business of the bank around the world will bring us.

Max Nahmani, Director – ERI commented: “We are delighted that the team at BNP Paribas Wealth Management has been able to achieve this success with the OLYMPIC Banking System. The fact that the bank has chosen to extend the implementation of the application to an additional country is clearly a vote of confidence in the ability of the application to meet the bank’s needs – This confidence stems from the bank’s significant knowledge and experience using the product in numerous locations, as well as the relationship we have built up between our two organisations. This project has also allowed us to add a traditional Mandarin capability to our Product.” (ERI/mc)

About ERI:
ERI is an international company specialising in the design, development, distribution and support of the integrated, real-time banking and wealth management software package: OLYMPIC Banking System® . Operating in many of the major financial centres, ERI is present in Geneva, Zurich, Lugano, London, Luxembourg, Singapore, and Paris. ERI is focused on providing comprehensive, quality, software with effective system implementation assistance and efficient on-going maintenance and support for clients worldwide. More than 300 banks and financial institutions across over 50 countries in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, the Americas and Asia have already chosen the OLYMPIC Banking System.

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