Trestle Group: Empowering 20’000 Women Entrepreneurs by 2020

Trestle Group: Empowering 20’000 Women Entrepreneurs by 2020

Zurich – With the right support, women can be the fastest growing economic force in the world. Women are key drivers of economic opportunity. According to the IFC, it is estimated there are 8 to 10 million women-owned SMEs in emerging markets (representing 31 to 38 percent of all SMEs in emerging markets).

The evidence of economic impact is persuasive. Research by Booz & Company estimates that raising female employment to male levels could have a direct impact on GDP of 12 percent in the United Arab Emirates, and 34 percent in Egypt. And an International Monetary Fund report states that of the 865 million women worldwide who have the potential to contribute more fully to their national economies, 812 million live in emerging and developing nations. According to Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM), in 2012, an estimated 126 million women were starting or running new businesses in 67 economies around the world. In addition, an estimated 98 million were running established businesses.

The Trestle Group Foundation
Linking human capital, networks and resources to build sustainable pipelines and communities of women entrepreneurs, Trestle Group Foundation (TGF) will deliver a combination of the Foundation’s flagship Empowering Women Entrepreneurs Partnership Program for high-potential women entrepreneurs and customized training for early-stage women-led businesses. TGF’s award-winning Empowering Women Entrepreneurs Partnership Program (EWEPP) identifies qualified women entrepreneurs in developing and emerging economies and partners them with established business professionals who help build the skills, strategies, practices and networks needed to overcome barriers to growth, and further develop the entrepreneur’s business.

Early-Stage Custom Training
Working with local delivery partners on the ground, TGFs custom training for early-stage businesses delivers executive education, designed by entrepreneurs for entrepreneurs, based upon the most common challenges for women entrepreneurs in emerging economies. The vital human capital delivered through the combination of programs includes:

  • Executive coaching and support
  • Mentoring and knowledge transfer
  • Customized business training
  • Access to networks, resources and services
  • Role models and exposure

The 20:20 roadmap:


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