Prof. Peter Lorange: «Why do good when you can do great?»

Horgen – Niche Strategies, March 28. – March 29, 2011 .
Fortunes are made – and lost – at a fast pace, with some of the most risk-willing owners also serving as decision makers. A viable strategic option is to find specialized niches, when the volatility may be less pronounced – and this is what this seminar is all about: to find and utilize such relatively rare stable niches!
Learn how to work a lucrative niche
Do you see business opportunities not yet obvious to others? And do you have the know-how needed to go after such opportunities? If you said yes twice, you have what it takes to develop a successful niche strategy. Prof. Peter Lorange’s two-day program will give shipowners, brokers, builders or ship finance bank executives concrete clues for developing (and updating) a “black box concept”. This concept allows them to work their lucrative shipping niche – alone.