Corporates vs. Startups: «Old – New World» controversy at the heart of the next Blockchain Summit

Corporates vs. Startups: «Old – New World» controversy at the heart of the next Blockchain Summit
One of the leading figures in the blockchain world, William Mougayar is General Partner of Virtual Capital Ventures.

Zug – Blockchain technology threatens proven business models and forces traditional companies to rethink their strategy. Will startups dictate the digital transformation, disrupting traditional business models through decentralised solutions? Or, can the “old world” incumbents defend and even strengthen their position through cooperation and adaptation?

One of the challengers of the old world, the highly acclaimed Aragon project with decentralisation at its core, is joining the Summit as Presenting Partner. Co-Founder Luis Cuende will be on stage sharing his insights of how blockchain technology can disintermediate organizational structures: «Switzerland has decentralisation in its DNA and is playing an important role by attracting and becoming home to multiple top crypto projects, including Aragon. I am looking forward to participating in the Blockchain Summit at the very heart of Crypto Valley and seeing how we can help making the ecosystem even stronger.»

The antagonism between corporates and startups is at the center of this year’s Blockchain Summit Crypto Valley. In industry-specific «Corporates vs. Startups» panels, innovative young companies and traditional corporations argue and defend their respective positions in a “Old versus New” format. “The Blockchain Summit will again be the most important gathering of the blockchain community in the Crypto Valley. We are proud to present not only some of the most innovative crypto startups, but also corporates highly interested to work with the new technology”, says Mathias Ruch, Co-Founder of the Summit and Founder/Managing Partner at Lakeside Partners.

Over 700 attendees from all over the world gather at the Casino Theater of Zug – the very epicentre of Crypto Valley. Panels promise highest quality discussions and insightful learnings from the event. The line-up includes top representatives of the blockchain community such as cofounder of B3i Paul Meeusen, best-selling author William Mougayar, Vice-President of the Crypto Valley Association Vasiliy Suvorov, Advisor for British Blockchain Association Julien Bouteloup and Mance Harmon, CEO and Co-Founder of Hedera Hashgraph.

Next to the panels andfireside-chats held on two main stages, the Start-Up Hall allows 20 up-and-coming Blockchain startups to present their teams and projects. “The Blockchain Summit really focuses on quality. This means we are interested in revolutionary business models that can be implemented”, says Ralf Glabischnig, Co-Founder of the Summit and Managing Partner at inacta. (mc)

Blockchain Summit

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