Best Blockchain FinTech Solution to Win $100,000 Cash Price

Best Blockchain FinTech Solution to Win $100,000 Cash Price

Zug – The next edition of Europe’s largest blockchain startup competition is to be held on 7 November 2018 in the Crypto Valley, Zug, Switzerland. Several universities and industry partners such as LGT, Six Group and Swiss Fintech Innovations partnered with Crypto Valley-based companies inacta and Lakeside Partners.

After the success of last year’s Blockchain Competition for Insurance with over 100 applicants from over 30 countries, the next competition is open to startups working on blockchain based projects disrupting the financial industry. Industry leaders will act as jurors and advisors for the startups competing. The winners will be chosen 7 November 2018 at the Theater Casino in Zug:

1st prize: $100,000 funding in cash (no strings attached), 1 year office space in the Crypto Valley Labs in Zug, 1 year of comprehensive, hands-on coaching from experienced entrepreneurs, industry experts, C-level executives and investors.
2nd prize: 1 year in an inspiring workplace at the open space in the Crypto Valley Labs in Zug, 1 year of hands-on coaching from experienced entrepreneurs, industry experts, C-level executives and investors.
3rd prize: 1 year in an inspiring workplace at the open space in the Crypto Valley Labs in Zug, fundamental insights gleaned from workshops with experienced entrepreneurs, industry experts, C-level executives and investors.

The competition, organized by Zug-based firms inacta AG and Lakeside Partners, is so far partnered by the industry partners LGT bank, SIX Group, Swiss Fintech Innovations and Sicitc. Mayor academic institutions such as ETH Zürich, ETH Lausanne, University of Zürich, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts or University, University of Basel, HWZ, ZHAW und Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz support the event.
“I am very excited, as there is no other event like this where blockchain startups can participate and position their idea in the very heart of the Crypto Valley where the blockchain revolution is taking place”. Besides the global reach, the startups gain a lot of experience by the challenging selection process from blockchain experts, venture capitalists and top financial industry exponents. And the best of it: there are no strings attached!”, Daniel Rutishauser, Head of Blockchain Competition for Finance summarized the benefits for startups.

Startups can apply online at until 31 July 2018.
In 2019, the Blockchain Competition for Real Estate will take place in springtime, the application will be open from October on. (Inacta/mc)

Lakeside Partners
Blockchain Competition

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